Monday, January 19, 2009


Some interesting things I learned today about spanish culture
1. They wear their wedding rings on their right hand
2. Eggs are eaten for dinner, not breakfast
3. They are all amazing parallel parkers
4. Hot dogs are sold in jars (i really wanted to buy some)

I love being surrounded by a culture that is so rich in ideas. The excitement of being in Europe has kind of worn off. I am still having an amazing time but I am not realizing as much that I am so far from home. Today was just a normal day at school and nothing too exciting happened other then it rained o and I found out I have to give a presentation next week. I am sad that Spain does not appreciate the holiday of MLK but I remembered it in my own ways while at school. I am finding myself writing and speaking both languages at the same time (some words spanish and some english in the same sentence) I really have to catch myself.

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